
Phone number:- _

Service code:- 345967 Time:- 08/01/24 06:23 pm

Create date:- July 2021

Billing details:-Premium

Created account country name :- Italy

Last number not card latest :-1:-Billed through TIM S.p.a. package

Profile:- nandobaldazzi,Edoardo,Bambini 

Payment Method:Billed via the Canal Plus France offer 

• Device:- Chrome PC (Cadmium),Edge OSS - Windows,Netflix Opera,Firefox PC 

I forgot my password and I don't have access to my email and phone number anymore.please help me to recover my Netflix account. 


I don't have access to my email and anymore. 

• Your subscription is included with Canal Plus France, activated on 03/07/2023. Contact Canal Plus France for billing details.

Customer care 

Tip and tricks 

1:- they didn't detected vpn

2:- they detected ip address

3:- Service codes are valid for two hours only after Netflix displays them on the screen.

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